ekonomia i zarządzanie    

Internationalization of SMEs. Context, models and implementation

Daszkiewicz Nelly,  Wach Krzysztof

Seria: Pomorska Biblioteka Cyfrowa

ISBN/ISSN: 978-83-7348-411-5

Rok publikacji: 2012

Stron: 110

Słowa kluczowe: European freedom for establishment, internationalization processes of SMEs, internationalization of European SMEs



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profil naukowy Autorów (MOST Wiedzy) – Nelly Daszkiewicz, Krzysztof Wach
scientific profile (MOST of Knowledge) – Nelly Daszkiewicz, Krzysztof Wach


The purpose of this book is to present internationalization of SMEs in a broad sense; its contexts, models and ways of implementation. The book tries to combine two perspectives – the academic theory and the business practice. From the theoretical point of view, the book covers a long research period – since the early 1970s (e.g. stages models) up till now (e.g. holistic and integrative approaches or knowledge-based models). From the pragmatic point of view, the book shows the steps needed to prepare and implement the successful international strategies, especially in the European context. On one hand, the book can be considered as interesting to academic scholars as well as PhD students exploring the present-day concepts of internationalization of SMEs. On the other hand, the book is addressed to economics and business bachelor and master students as a supplementary textbook. It may also be of interest to entrepreneurs as well as managers, who are considering or are just interested in going international. The book offers to them the knowledge they require as well as useful tips.

The book consists of six chapters, the first two of which try to combine the theory with the practice, while the last four have more theoretical character:

I – Context of Contemporary Internationalization Processes of SMEs, has introductory character;
II – European Context of Internationalization, shows the conditions for internationalization European businesses within the European Union;
III – Internationalization Strategies for SMEs, elaborates on the implementation of internationalization strategies, their preparation and structures;
IV – Classical Approaches towards Small Firm Internationalization, presents “old” internationalization theories;
V – Internationalization of SMEs through Networks, concerns the role of network in small firm internationalization process;
VI – New Approach towards Internationalization of SMEs, shows the attempts to integrate different approaches towards internationalization.

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