
Laboratory exercises in microbiology

Holec-Gąsior Lucyna,  Kur Józef,  Werbowy Katarzyna

ISBN/ISSN: 978-83-7348-244-9

Wydanie: 1

Rok publikacji: 2008

Stron: 106

Słowa kluczowe: enumeration of bacteria, antimicrobial agents, metabolic activities of microorganisms, microscopic techniques and bacteria staining, environmental protection and management, identification of unknown bacteria from environmental, cultivation of microorganisms, microbial relationships, environmental factors affecting microbial growth, sterilization and disinfection



Książkę można zakupić w e-sklepie Politechniki Gdańskiej.
The book is available in GUT’s bookstore.

profil naukowy Autorów (MOST Wiedzy) – Lucyna Holec-Gąsior, Józef Kur, Katarzyna Werbowy
scientific profile (MOST of Knowledge) – Lucyna Holec-Gąsior, Józef Kur, Katarzyna Werbowy


„Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology” is a microbiology textbook written particularly for the students of the Environmental Protection & Management course. This edition was designed to provide an engaging and easy to understand textbook that is appropriate for a diverse student audience with varying backgrounds and science knowledge and helping students learn fundamental microbiology concepts without being over-whelmed by excessive detail. Each chapter begins with short learning objectives presenting key concepts that students should understand after studying each chapter. The following section of each chapter contains exercises suitable for the introductory course of microbiology. A laboratory report at the end of each chapter present students with questions that encourage them to apply what they have already learned.

Regardless of your reasons for approach to studying microbiology, enjoy yourself.

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